High professional training in the world of sports management. This is the goal of Sport Business Academy, the training institution that, using professionals with 20 years of experience in the field, organizes carefully selected courses that are a valid and effective tool for quickly entering the world of work.
SBA pathways are born from the identification of the most in-demand professional figures, following a careful market analysis, and are structured in such a way as to provide learners with practical and immediately expendable skills that are always up-to-date and meet the high standards required by the industry.


Sport Business Academy offers its services with an approach always aimed at continuous improvement of its performance. A quality that is also guaranteed and certified by the ISO 9001 TUV Italy Quality Management System.


Milano, Roma, Bologna, Monza, Bari. Siamo presenti capillarmente sul territorio nazionale e possiamo vantare una fitta rete di collaborazioni con partner in tutta Italia ed Europa. Un’accademia, tante sedi.


Sport Business Academy employs the best professionals and trainers. who have a prestigious career in the relevant industry and significant experience, able to ensure the best professional training.

Online Master's Degree for Basketball Manager


The SBA Basketball Manager course has the goal To train future executive and managerial figures, able to plan and design activities, strategically manage facilities. Coordinate relationships between athletes, organize sports events, also manage legal, economic aspects of the professional and amateur sports sector.

Target audience

  • Graduates and undergraduates in exercise science, communication science, business, athletes and executives who present a deep passion for the world of basketball.
  • Diplomati solo con esperienze recenti nel settore.


  • Private certificate of attendance


  • Voxy- 6-month English course- "all you can learn" formula (Alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian;
  • Lezioni in Live Streaming 80 ore (ogni Venerdì e Sabato) dal 4 Aprile al 7 Giugno 2025
  • Internship: 200 hours at Basketball Companies or industry agencies nationwide.



Basketball history, NBA, NCAA, FIBA Euroleague and national competition
Governance in sport at the international and national levels
Professionalism and amateurism in sports CONI, SPORTS, FEDERATIONS, LEAGONS, SOCIETIES AND SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS, women's basketball.
Financial statements of professional companies and A.S.D.



The Sports Directorate
The Team Manager
The Youth Sector
Match analysis in Basketball
Scouting in basketball




Communication in sports
Sports journalism and press offices
Social media and digital communication
The organizing committee of a sporting event
Organizing a sporting event
Sports sponsorships
Club revenue
Sponsorship activation
Roi of sponsorships
Licensing and Merchandising
Media Rights in Sports
Sustainability in sport


Julio Trovato
Dirigente Sportivo. Co- fondatore della PMS Torino che ha fatto la scalata dalla c2 alla serie A vincendo 5 campionati. Direttore Generale della Pallacanestro Trapani dal 2014 al 2016. Direttore Generale alla Virtus Bologna dal 2016 al 2018 vincendo il campionato e la Coppa Italia oltre al campionato Italiano  Under 19. Direttore Generale al Basket…
Davide Fiori
Classe 1996, grande appassionato di sport, in particolare di basket, Davide Fiori ha conseguito la laurea triennale in "Scienze Motorie" e la magistrale in “Management dello Sport” presso l'Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna. Ha inoltre completato un Master di secondo livello in "Amministrazione e Management dello Sport" all'Università di Udine in col…
Giorgia Rocchetta
I am Giorgia Rocchetta I graduated in Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Turin, registration no.8779 in the Register of Psychologists of Piedmont, I also took a course in Professional Training Mindfullness- Stress Based Reduction at AIM. My interventions are aimed at preserving well...
Simone Giofrè
Simone Giofrè began his career in the sports world in 1999 as Internet Project Manager for Pallacanestro Cantu'. Within the historic Brianza-based company, Simone began a ten-year journey that would lead him to gain experience not only in the Media sector, but also in marketing and everything related to sports management...
Gianclaudio Romeo
Born in 1984, he is a sports manager with more than a decade of experience in communications, marketing and events. A member of the Advisory Board of the Sport and Sustainability Observatory of the Department of Business Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, he deals with sustainable development applied to the sports world as an analyst...
Donatello Viggiano
A master's degree in Political Science from Luiss, he has always been passionate about sports, particularly basketball. A former Serie C player, he previously served as press office manager for Eurobasket Roma (Serie A2) for three years, then worked as an executive with Tiber and Basket Roma. A publicist journalist and former editor...
Marco Aloi
Currently Head and Event Organizer at Legabasket Serie A. Has held roles as Commissioner Italian Rugby Federation TOP10 League, in sponsorship and organization role. Operations Manager at VL Pesaro Basket, one of Italy's historic clubs. Manager in ADN Swim Project the first European project aimed at new...
Mario Oioli
Always passionate about sports, he has been able to combine direct commitment as a technician and studies in economics through experiences with sports clubs and periods of study/work in the United States. Since 1999, he has played several experiences in management roles with Varese Basketball, developing in the professional sports world...
Giusi Cenedese
He deals with the taxation of sports clubs and associations Lecturer at the Coni Piemonte regional school of sport Consultant to sports federations and sports promotion bodies Trainer of sports managers on behalf of Sports Federations and Sports Promotion Bodies...
Davide Ghione
A graduate in Economics from the University of Turin, he is currently the Country Manager Italy and Switzerland for You First Sports, a multinational sports marketing and athlete representation agency. The agency focuses on Brand consulting, sponsorship activation, branded content and talent management. He has a 10-year background in Adecc...


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