High professional training in the world of sports management. This is the goal of Sport Business Academy, the training institution that, using professionals with 20 years of experience in the field, organizes carefully selected courses that are a valid and effective tool for quickly entering the world of work.
SBA pathways are born from the identification of the most in-demand professional figures, following a careful market analysis, and are structured in such a way as to provide learners with practical and immediately expendable skills that are always up-to-date and meet the high standards required by the industry.
Sport Business Academy offers its services with an approach always aimed at continuous improvement of its performance. A quality that is also guaranteed and certified by the ISO 9001 TUV Italy Quality Management System.
Milano, Roma, Bologna, Monza, Bari. Siamo presenti capillarmente sul territorio nazionale e possiamo vantare una fitta rete di collaborazioni con partner in tutta Italia ed Europa. Un’accademia, tante sedi.
Sport Business Academy employs the best professionals and trainers. who have a prestigious career in the relevant industry and significant experience, able to ensure the best professional training.
The Course of Higher Education SBA in gestione di impianti sportivi nasce con l’obbiettivo di fornire ai partecipanti le competenze necessarie per amministrare e ottimizzare la gestione di strutture sportive di diversa tipologia e dimensione garantendo efficienza operativa e sostenibilità economica. L’Expert in Management of Sports Facilities is the professional who can deal with the management of a sports facility in any aspect with cross-cutting skills with respect to the sports infrastructure as a whole (infrastructure aspects, administrative, economic-financial, those related to the services, at thestaff organization and to the managerial aspects).
L’obiettivo è formare una figura professionale qualificata per la gestione degli impianti sportivi, elemento imprescindibile per una migliore valorizzazione dell’offerta sportiva e dell’impiantistica sportiva urbana.
Module 1: Sports facilities and infrastructure: planning, design and construction
Modulo 2: Normativa dell’impianto sportivo: valutazione e regolamentazione
dell’impianto sportivo.
Modulo 3: Direzione e coordinamento aziendale
Modulo 4: Marketing e Social media managing
Modulo 5: Gestione risorse umane
Modulo 6: Sport e Sostenibilità ambientale