da 10 Luglio al 27 Settembre 2025
The Sports Agent has a role of absolute pre-eminence with respect to the activity of the athlete, sports clubs and societies. Access to the Sport Agent Profession requires specific skills and the passing of a qualifying examination at CONI. Our course aims to provide Pupils with a useful and necessary preparation to take and pass the CONI General Examination for qualification to the Profession of Sports Agent, through comprehensive and specialized training, through the organization and conduct of exercises in preparation for the qualifying examination.
- The international sports order.
The International Olympic Committee; the International Sports Federations.
- The Italian sports system in general.
Sources, norms and its addressees; the sports system: autonomy in the system of plurality of systems, and vis-à-vis state and international systems.
- The Italian National Olympic Committee (Statute; Law 178of August 8, 2002; D. Lgs. 15 of January 8, 2004; Law 8 of January 11, 2018).
- National sports federations, associated disciplines and sports promotion bodies; CONI's guidelines and controls over national sports federations.
- Amateur sports clubs and associations; the Coni Register of Sports Companies; Leagues; affiliates and members.
- Professionalism in sports.
Labor disputes. Health protection, insurance and the social security system.
- Sports Justice.
The division of responsibilities between sports and ordinary justice (Law 280 of October 17, 2003); the Principles of Sports Justice and the CONI Code of Sports Conduct; direct liability, presumed liability, and strict liability; the constraint of justice; the CONI Code of Sports Justice and the disciplinary procedure; the organs of justice at CONI: the General Prosecutor's Office for Sports and the Sports Guarantee Board. The Court of Arbitration for Sport.
- The protection of fairness in the conduct of sporting events.
Fraud in sports competitions; sports malfeasance; illegal gambling and betting; DASPO (Law 401 of Dec. 13, 1989).
- National, sports and international anti-doping regulations the health protection of professional athletes.
- Agents.
The profession of sports agent in Italy. CONI sports agent regulations and the national registry.
- The source system.
- Private international law: relationship qualification and connecting moments.
The limit of public policy.
- The legal relationship.
Active and passive subjective situations.
- The natural person.
Legal capacity and capacity to act; minor age; citizenship and residence; personality rights and personal data protection Legislative Decree 101 of August 10, 2018; the right to image and its exploitation.
- Institutions.
Classification of entities; associations and corporations.
- The legal transaction.
Negotiating autonomy; elements of legal transactions and their classification; stamp, registration, and publicity.
- Bonds.
Concept; sources; subjects and solidarity; performance; object; pecuniary obligations; non-performance, default and compensable damages; subjective modifications of the obligatory relationship and its extinction.
- Contract.
Concept; essential and incidental elements; the unlawful and fraudulent contract; negotiations and related responsibilities; the conclusion of the contract; the preliminary contract;
the interpretation of the contract; the effects of the contract; dissolution and the penalty clause; assignment of the contract; defects, pathologies and nullity and its remedies; the termination clause; the
simulation: effects and proof; indirect store and trust store; the trust.
- The statute of limitations and forfeiture.
- Representation.
The notion, classification and sources. Power of attorney; defects: conflict of interest between representative and represented; defect of authority; handling others' business; contract for person to be appointed; mandate contract.
- The sources of law in the Italian legal system.
- Law 241 of August 7, 1990.
The right of access to administrative documents.
- Administrative Justice.
Contact us, we will give you no-obligation more information about your training course
Maximum 50 participants
High school and/or college graduates.
Private certificate of participation in the training course art. 15 of the CONI Sports Agents Regulations
Job Impact Ltd, VAT NUMBER: 09265150962, Via Albricci 9 - 20122 Milan, Italy
Toll-free number: 800 920 110
(+39) 02 87360845
Sport Business Academy 2024 ©
VAT NUMBER: 09265150962