
Online Course in Sports Events Organization

You also participate in the Online Course in Sports Events Organization

Da Luglio 2025


The sporting event is the test of every Athlete, and it is the culminating moment in which he or she is measured against himself or herself and his or her opponents. Likewise, every sporting event tests the Organizers and Managers, key figures in a complex system that must be guided in harmony so that all functions are able to ensure that the sporting event succeeds to perfection.

It involves conceiving the event, choosing the location, working out the project management, managing the budget, coordinating the Volunteer Program, promoting the event and taking care of media relations, producing merchandising materials, and dealing with vendor relations; and also: knowing the techniques for effective team management (team working), knowing how to deal with local authorities to apply for permits and sponsorships, and fund raising activities; last but not least, knowing how to work out an effective sponsorship plan and being able to deal with unforeseen events (problem solving).


  1. Planning and Designing a Sports Event

event ideation; 

choice of location; 

strategic planning of the event; 

application and dossier.

  1. Organization, Management and Control of Resources 

Fundamentals of project management; 

Implementation of a forecast budget; 

team working; 

Implementation of the technical sports project; 

Application procedures for administrative permits;

  1. Sustainability of sporting events 

sporting events, environmental sustainability and climate change; 

sports and biodiversity; 

Outdoor or Indoor? organization and management of sports events.

  1. Marketing and Communication 

marketing strategies;

Communication and promotion plan for the event;

External relations management; 

press office activities; 


Training Project

  • Admission and selection procedures
  • Start of the course according to the scheduled dates
  • Voxy- 6-month English course- "all you can learn" formula (Alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
  • Lezioni in Live Streaming 32 ore. Da Luglio 2025.
  • Achievement of private certificate of course attendance issued by our institute
  • Internship: Course participants will have the opportunity to complete a 50-hour internship in sports clubs and sports marketing and communications agencies throughout the country.
  • Reworking, updating and disseminating the Cv to companies and agencies in the field.

Our Teachers

Involved Partners

ASI - Associazione Sportiva Internazionale
ASI – Associazione Sportiva Internazionale


Maximum number of participants


Course Duration.

  • Preparatory study teaching materials
  • Voxy- 6-month English course- "all you can learn" formula (Alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
  • 32 ore di lezioni in live streaming da Luglio 2025
  • Experience sports event
  • Internship: 50 hours at sports marketing and communication agencies and sports clubs

To whom is it addressed?

The Course is intended for managers and organizers of sports events, central and territorial managers, managers of sports clubs, facility managers, officials and operators of local and regional authorities.


  • Private certificate of attendance

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