Course in Sports Rehabilitation

You also participate in the Course in Sports Rehabilitation

Blended Formula

Froml 8 Aprile al 10 Giugno 2025

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. 

Il 13 e il 14  Giugno 2025 (Venerdì e Sabato) a Milano dalle 9:00 alle 18:00.


The training event will be accredited CME for No. 25 participants and award 50 credits valid for the three-year period 2023-2025. 

The Course aims to provide specific skills in the area of post-injury athlete rehabilitation. By sports rehabilitation is meant that set of techniques, physiotherapeutic and collateral, that promote recovery (traumatic and non-traumatic) of high motor activity. The course is aimed at an audience of experts or future experts who, thanks to the skills acquired during their studies, are able to apply and integrate them with those provided by the specialization course. The aim is to ensure professionalism and excellence in the field of rehabilitation and reathletization that the sports world has needed for quite some time now.


  •  Training methodology: training programming and basics of athletic training as elements of prevention;
  • Sports Medicine: trauma, injury, and risk factors in professional athletes;
  • Sports Medicine: diagnosis, acute phase treatments, surgical treatment, physical and instrumental therapies in post-injury;
  • Psychological aspects and the three time phases of recovery from sports injury;
  • Postural assessment and rehabilitation methodologies of the injured athlete;
  •  Reathletization: from pain management, recovery of motor patterns and muscle tone to Return to Play;
  • Functional bandaging and neuromuscular taping: how and which to choose;

Training Project

  • Admission and selection procedures
  • Course start, according to scheduled dates
  • Fase d’aula blended : 50 ore di lezioni di cui 34 ore online e 16 ore in presenza con visita formativa presso Milano Personal Trainer.
  • Achievement of private certificate of course attendance issued by our institute
  • Internship: Participants in the course will have the opportunity to do an internship at Companies and companies in the sector
  • Reworking, updating and disseminating the Cv to companies in the field.

Our Teachers

Involved Partners

No Partners Yet Assigned.


Maximum number of participants


Course Duration.

  • Preparatory phase: study of teaching materials
  • Fase d’aula blended : 50 ore di lezioni di cui 34 online e 16 in presenza con visita formativa presso Milano Personal Trainer.
  • Internship: Participants in the course will have the opportunity to do an internship at Companies and companies in the sector
  • Reworking, updating and disseminating the Cv to companies in the field.

To whom is it addressed?

  • Graduates and undergraduates in exercise science
  • Graduates and undergraduates in sports science and technology
  • Graduates and undergraduates in medicine and surgery
  • Physiotherapy graduates and undergraduates
  • Undergraduate and graduate students in biological sciences and nutrition sciences


  • Private certificate of attendance

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