Corso per la preparazione all’Esame per l’Abilitazione a “Direttore Sportivo”

You also participate in the Corso per la preparazione all’Esame per l’Abilitazione a “Direttore Sportivo”

da settembre 2025

Corso Accreditato dalla Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio

The Course aims to provide the necessary support, both formative and cultural, to those who may be called upon to carry out the activities concerning the organizational structure of professional sports clubs, including the management of relations - including contractual relations - between clubs and players, or technicians, and the conduct of negotiations with other sports clubs, with the object of transferring players and/or the stipulation of the transfer of contracts.

The objective of the Course is to provide participants with an in-depth knowledge of the field, enabling them to become familiar with the various areas of carrying out the activities of a Sports Director (technical area, organizational management area, legal regulatory area, economic area, communication-marketing area), as well as to acquire expertise in the field, with particular reference to the tools necessary for preparation for the examination for qualification as a "Sports Director" and the subsequent carrying out of the related professional activity.


The different types of training
How to choose the coach
The activity of observer and talent assessment
Youth national teams
Game philosophies and coach's choices
The physical-athletic area
Roles and tactical field
The transition from the Youth Sector to the first team
How to manage a youth sector
International scouting
The regulations of the game of soccer

● The historical-organizational evolution of football clubs
● The organizational chart of a professional company.
● The management of sports clubs
● Leadership and management styles of working groups.
● Techniques for interviewing the athlete and the team.
● The organizational structure of the youth section of a professional club.

● The governance of Italian and international soccer
● The regulations of the Special List of Sports Directors and the role of the Commission of Managers and
Sports Collaborators
● The role of the AIC and collective agreements.
● Law 91/81, professional sports and labor relations in the sports world
● The FIGC membership regulations and the operation of the TMS.
● The FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players: the principles and evolutions of the
case law
● The discipline in issues of Players' Agents/Sports Agents/Sports Agents and the impact
On the activity of the companies
● The National Licensing System and FIGC Financial Fair Play.
● The UEFA Licensing System and UEFA Financial Fair Play
● The code of sports justice
● The regulations of the Technical Sector

● The financial statements of football clubs
● The economic - financial environment of international soccer

● Principles of communication
● Principles of sports marketing

Training Project

Job Impact Srl – Sport Business Academy organizza un Corso di preparazione all’esame per l’abilitazione a “Direttore Sportivo”. Obiettivo del Corso è fornire ai partecipanti un’approfondita conoscenza del settore, che permetta di conoscere le varie aree di svolgimento dell’attività di un Direttore Sportivo (area tecnica, area gestionale organizzativa, area regolamentare giuridica, area economica, area comunicazione-marketing), nonché di acquisire una competenza in materia, con particolare riferimento agli strumenti necessari per la preparazione all’esame per l’abilitazione a “Direttore Sportivo” ed al successivo svolgimento della relativa attività professionale.

Il Corso è strutturato in tre fasi propedeutiche; la prima consta dell’invio del materiale didattico a casa. La seconda fase per complessive 144 ore di cui 100 ore lezione frontale d’aula e 44 ore in live streaming, così suddivise: introduzione al Corso ed alla figura del Direttore Sportivo (n. 4 ore), Area Tecnica (n. 36 ore), Area Gestionale-Organizzativa (n. 16 ore), Area Regolamentare-Giuridica (n. 32 ore), Area-Economica (n. 6 ore) ed Area Comunicazione-Marketing (n. 6 ore), conclusioni del Corso (n. 4 ore); e ad esse si seguono, le n. 46 ore di attività aggiuntive, quali project work sui vari moduli trattati (n. 20 ore), mirati a verificare la
ability to apply the tools in real-world situations, and intermediate examination tests (no. 20 hours).

La frequenza del Corso – con partecipazione ad almeno il 80% delle n. 144 ore complessive e con valutazione di idoneità nelle prove intermedie – consente ai partecipanti di iscriversi all’esame per l’abilitazione a “Direttore Sportivo”, che sarà organizzato dalla FIGC, secondo quanto disposto dalle relative Linee Guida: in particolare, l’esame si terrà presso il Centro Tecnico di Coverciano e sarà tenuto da una Commissione costituita da soggetti nominati da FIGC e da docenti indicati dalla Scuola dello Sport.

Our Teachers

Involved Partners

No Partners Yet Assigned.


Maximum number of participants


Course Duration.

The Course is structured in three preparatory phases;

1. Submission of teaching materials 

2. Classroom phase 144 hours whose 100 hours frontal classroom lecture in Milan and 44 hours live streaming 

3. project work sui vari moduli trattati, mirati a verificare la capacità di applicazione degli strumenti in situazioni reali, e prove intermedie di esame.

To whom is it addressed?

The Course is intended for aspiring Sports Directors and all those who are otherwise interested in
And still have the following requirements:

  1. Successful completion of 25 years of age;
  2. Holder of a Diploma of Higher Secondary Education or equivalent qualification;


Course participants will be issued a certificate of successful completion of the Course (upon actual participation in at least 80% of the Course hours and with passing grade in the midterm tests).

At the end of the training course, a list of those who have completed the training course and who will be able to take the licensing exam organized by the FIGC Technical Sector will be sent to the Commission Secretariat, on the dates and according to the modalities that will be made known through a special communication to the accredited subjects.

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