Online Master's Degree for Rugby Manager

You also participate in the Online Master's Degree for Rugby Manager

Dal 7 Aprile al 18 Giugno  2025

 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Rugby is the team sport that, more than any other, lends itself to being adopted as a metaphor for competition/cooperation. The SBA Rugby manager master's degree aims to train a leadership and managerial figure capable of managing and planning activities, managing sports facilities and the team, and organizing events related to the men's and women's Rugby sector. The Rugby Manager has comprehensive and transversal skills in marketing and communication, administrative-legal and sports management. The Master's program will enable participants to develop and improve managerial skills, becoming the leading players in the industry!


Area 1: History contexts and administration

  • Rugby history: F.IR Federation of Italy Rugby, Rugby World Cup, Woman Rugby World Cup
  • The governance of sport at the national and international levels
  • Sports Associations A.S.D
  • Women's rugby
  • Balance Sheet of the Companies

Area 2: Sports Management

  • Sports management and leadership
  • The management of athletes
  • The Team Manager
  • The match analysis
  • Scouting

Area 3: Marketing and Communication

  • Communication in sports
  • Sports journalism and press offices
  • Sports commentary
  • Social media and digital communication
  • The organizing committee of a sporting event
  • Organizing a sporting event (The match event)
  • Sports sponsorships
  • Club revenue
  • Licensing and Merchandising
  • Ticketing
  • Media Rights in Sports
  • Sustainability in sport

Training Project

  • Admission and selection procedures
  • Start of the course according to the scheduled dates
  • Voxy 6-month English course - "all you can learn" formula (alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, German.
  • Lezioni in Live Streaming: Dal Aprile al 18 Giugno 2025  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm;
  • Achievement of private certificate of course attendance issued by our institute
  • Internship: Course participants will have the opportunity to intern in rugby clubs and sports marketing agencies nationwide alongside industry professionals and sector agencies.
  • Reworking, updating and disseminating the Cv to companies in the field.

Our Teachers

Involved Partners

Verona Rugby
U.S Primavera Roma Rugby
Geis Managment Group
EIS Team
You First Sports


Maximum number of participants


Course Duration.

  • Voxy 6-month English course - "all you can learn" formula (alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level, it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, German
  • Lezioni in Live Streaming:Dal 7 Aprile al 18 Giugno 2025 ogni Lunedì, Mercoledì e Venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 17:00
  • Internship: 200 hours at Rugby club

To whom is it addressed?

  • Laureati e laureandi in Scienze motorie, scienze della comunicazione, economia, atleti e dirigenti che presentano una profonda passione per il mondo del  rugby.
  • Diplomati solo con esperienze recenti nel settore.


  • Private certificate of attendance

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