Online Master's Degree for Football Manager

You also participate in the Online Master's Degree for Football Manager

Dal 13 Ottobre 2025

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The SBA Master's Degree for Football Manager trains a managerial figure who works across the board in the sports industry. The course has a purely soccer focus, to train future managers of soccer teams.
The football manager is a figure capable of planning projects and activities, strategically managing sports organizations, facilities and events, with specific skills in business management, marketing and communication strategies, as well as the legal, economic and financial aspects of the professional and amateur sports sector.

To direct the different areas within a sports club, the sports manager must have excellent legal-economic knowledge, which is why he or she is one of the most sought-after figures in Italy. More and more companies are looking for new professionals who can develop the team's business, combining passion with technical and managerial knowledge. This profession is also recognized in Anglo-Saxon countries, not only with regard to large companies, but also in a growing number of organizations, clubs, federations and sports facilities.

That of a football manager is an exciting and financially rewarding profession.



  • The role of the sports manager
  • Sports club management
  • Work Group Management
  • Winning sports management models
  • Athlete and sports club career planning
  • Management in soccer
  • Soccer market strategies
  • The consulting activity
  • Sports mental coach


  • Marketing management
  • Management of a company or athlete's image.
  • Investment strategies in soccer
  • The creation of 'Business Plan' for sponsors
  • The influence of the media in soccer
  • Press offices
  • Sustainability in sport


  • The financial statements of sports clubs
  • The contractual management of the athlete
  • Sports justice
  • Taxation in sponsorships

Training Project

  • Admission and selection procedures
  • Start of the Master's program, current A.A., according to scheduled dates
  • Voxy 6-month English course - "all you can learn" formula (Alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level, it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian;
  • Lezioni in Live streaming 80 ore.
  • Achievement of private certificate of attendance in the master's program issued by our institute
  • Issuance of ordinary ASI membership card
  • Membership in the football manager's roll of the International Sports Association for one year
  • Stage Opzionale riservato solo ai laureati che non hanno superato i 35 anni di età: I partecipanti al master avranno la possibilità di svolgere uno stage di 2 mesi (130 ore) in società di calcio professionistiche e dilettantistiche e agenzie di marketing sportivo su territorio nazionale affiancati dai professionisti del settore e agenzie settoriali.
  • Reworking, updating and disseminating the Cv to companies in the field.
  • During the internship activity, the students will work in the sports and marketing secretariats of partner companies and agencies, performing activities of:
    - Drafting of communiqués
    - Marketing plans
    - Event Management
    - Ordinary sports management

Our Teachers

Involved Partners

ASI - Associazione Sportiva Internazionale
ASI – Associazione Sportiva Internazionale


Maximum number of participants

Maximum 30 participants

Course Duration.

VOXY- 6-month English course- "all you can learn" formula (alternatively and in possession of at least a self-certified B2 level it is possible to opt for one of the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian);

Lezioni in Live Streaming 80 ore (3 incontri a settimana).

Stage Opzionale riservato solo ai laureati che non hanno superato i 35 anni di età: di 2 mesi in società sportive e agenzie su tutto il territorio nazionale (130h)

To whom is it addressed?

Bachelor's or Master's degree



Private certificate of attendance
Issuance of ASI regular membership card.
Membership in the register of football managers ASI

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