Saturday Solomon, humility and determination to become a football manager.

Humility and determination. These are perhaps the adjectives that best describe Saturday Solomon, a 34-year-old boy with the passion for sports, for soccer in particular, since forever and the desire to grow and improve day by day.
Originally from San Michele di Serino, in the province of Avellino, recently concluded theeducational experience with Sport Business Academy, following the Master's Degree for Football Manager; a building block that came to complete a journey that began, after graduation, with the University's Graduate School in Economic and Legal Management Sciences of the sports at the faculty of Atri (Teramo) and continued with other masters and courses in the field.
"Sport Business Academy's Master's Degree in Football Management - tells - was very interesting. We covered the topics in 360 degrees, and this allowed me to deepen the knowledge I have gained over the years."


sport business academy sabato salomone

"All faculty and the project manager dr. cocozza Have been impeccable. To them go my sincerest thanks for their great professionalism and helpfulness. I think the most important lesson they left me, besides the content, was that you never stop learning, that sacrifice and willingness to learn, in the long run, are rewarded."
And speaking of the figure of the football manager, he continues: "In my opinion, in order to become a good manager, one needs as comprehensive an education as possible, ranging from communication and marketing to administration to the business side. Also I think you need to be able to listen to everyone because we can learn something from everyone. It is important to be able to create a work team in which there is always respect for roles and harmony, because in my opinion people perform better if they feel involved."

On Saturday Solomon made the conversation with Genoa Calcio, currently in A series, and is about to join a great team.

With great humility and superstition he does not tell us about this, but his thanks go to the Dr. Alessio Vernazza, organizational manager of the youth sector, who saw potential in him.

"This is an important milestone for me; I am really very happy. I will face this new adventure with all the eagerness to learn that the teachers of the master's program have passed on to me, putting myself at the complete disposal of society. I hope to be up to the tasks that will be assigned to me. I will try my best not to disappoint anyone.".

sport business academy sabato salomone

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